Bieslog - Wat bezielt Amerika? (2)
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zondag 9 maart 2003 13:37  verstuur

Wat bezielt Amerika? (2)

Beeldvergroting: Norman Mailer
Norman Mailer

Olie is een onderdeel van de oorlogsmotieven, zegt schrijver Norman Mailer in een recente lezing, die werd gepubliceerd in The New York Review of Books.

'There is just this kind of mad-eyed mystique to Americans: the idea that we Americans can do anything. Yes, say flag conservatives, we will be able to handle what comes. We have our know-how, our can-do. We will dominate the obstacles. Flag conservatives truly believe America is not only fit to run the world but that it must. Without a commitment to Empire, the country will go down the drain. This, I would opine, is the prime subtext beneath the Iraqi project, and the flag conservatives may not even be wholly aware of the scope of it, not all of them. Not yet.'